AS Ekebergbanen class B/B no 1018-1023

ingen bild

data for the class B/B
Vehicle:  motor car 
Class:  4-axled single-ended (4xER) 
Company:  AS Ekebergbanen (EB) 
Town:  Oslo 
Line:  Ekebergbanen 
Class:  B/B 
Car number:  1018-1023 
Built number: 
Manufacturer:  Skabo, Kværner, EB, NEBB 1952 
Gauage (mm):  1435 
Length (mm):  14900 
Width (mm):  2500 
Height (mm):   
Weight (kg):  2300 
Axel arrangement:  Bo'Bo' 
Wheelbase (mm):  2100 
Boggie center base (mm):  8400 
Wheel diameter (mm):  870 
Wheel tread width (mm):
Type of motor: 4x50
Motor power (kW):   
Type of controller:
Type of coupling:
Operating current:  600/1200 V DC 
Max speed (km/h):  40 
Door arrangement:
Number of passengers:  50 seating + 37 standing = 87 passengers 
Out of service:  1974 
Note:  Ekebergbanen 

The history of the class (only in Swedish):
Oppbygd på boggier og med elektrisk utstyr fra 1006 (I) og 1008 - 1012 (I)